Acupuncture for Pain Relief
While acupuncture isn’t an all-out cure for pain in all people, it can make a huge difference to the way pain is managed and improved quality of life.
Read moreWhile acupuncture isn’t an all-out cure for pain in all people, it can make a huge difference to the way pain is managed and improved quality of life.
Read moreThe field of epigenetics has so many mysteries waiting to be unlocked – with amazing developments for managing our health!
Read moreWhen things like work, family, finances, health, traffic jams, and social media trigger stress, it can have far-reaching consequences for your health and well-being.
Read moreIn my functional health minute today, I'd like to expand on the relationship cholesterol has with your genetics and metabolism.
Read moreMore people are being diagnosed with high cholesterol and are given medications such as statins BUT there are other ways as to managing cholesterol.
Read moreToday I'd like to talk to you about the testing for type 2 diabetes and the differences between traditional testing and how Functional Medicine tests.
Read moreIf you find yourself stressed and tired from not sleeping enough, there are ways around this issue – and you’ll be able to rest more fruitfully!
Read moreToday I'd like to talk about the subject of functional medicine. What is functional medicine and is it right for you?
Read moreUndergoing a body composition analysis test is a powerful way to get back in touch with your body’s needs and can help you hone in on exercise and nutrition wherever needed.
Read moreToday I'd like to talk about the ancient practice of Acupuncture, the techniques utilized and how it works on your body.
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