Detox With Your Doctor

Detox with your doctor
It's really important to periodically restore the body's ability to cleanse itself and eliminate toxins. Here's how you can accomplish that.

Welcome everyone to the Detox With Your Doctor program, and it’s led by Ortho Molecular, they are the company that is going to be providing the product to us. And I’m going to go over everything in detail towards the end of the presentation. But first, I want to get all of you familiar with just detoxification processes and toxins in general, how you’re exposed, where they come from and what you can do to mitigate your exposure.

All right. So, first of all, thank you everyone for joining me. And obviously, we’re here because we all want to go through a detoxification, but why? It’s really important to periodically restore the body’s ability to cleanse itself and eliminate toxins, because every year the average person is exposed to 14 pounds of pesticides, herbicides, food additives, preservatives and chemicals. That’s a giant amount, you guys. And that statistic is a few years old, so it’s probably even higher today.

So, what are the foundations to health? If you’re my patient, or if you know anything about functional medicine or you’ve heard me speak before, you know I always talk about nutrition, sleep, exercise and movement, stress management and toxin reduction as the foundations to health. So, toxin reduction right in there, it’s one of the foundations and one of the roots to the tree. So, we always do talk about how do you reduce toxin exposure, meaning how can you stop toxins or reduce toxins from coming in? Because you’re never going to be able to stop them all, which we’ll talk about shortly in a moment, because there’s only so many things you can control, but we certainly want to reduce our exposure as much as we can. And then we also want to do a good job upregulating our own detoxification pathway so that when we are exposed, our bodies do a great job in getting rid of those toxins.


So, what are toxins? Toxins are any substance that has a harmful effect on the body. When incoming toxins exceed the liver’s ability to remove them, it’s termed toxic burden. So, you’ll hear that a lot, total toxic burden, total body burden, things like that, terms like that, you’ll hear kind of being used to discuss toxins. And if you’re my patient again, and if you’ve had a metals test and we will do a provoked metals test to determine your total body burden of heavy metals over a lifetime, because if you just take a sample now that tells us what you’re currently exposed to, but not what you’ve been exposed to over your lifetime. And that’s because of the next statement below, which is, toxins that are fat soluble are attracted to the fatty portion of cells throughout the body. So, like in the example of the provoked metals test, heavy metals are stored mostly in bone and fact, so you’ve got to do something to pull them out of the bone and fat. And then there are toxins that are water soluble, and those are eliminated more easily through our renal system, our kidneys.

So, what are sources of external toxins? So, certainly the air is a big source of toxins for us. And of course, we all know about air pollution, but there’s other things you might not think of like auto exhaust, things like solvents, so paints and cleaning products, which we’re going to get into a little bit deeper, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and inhalants. So, you really can be exposed to air toxins from many different areas. So, to kind of give you an example, we inhale over 500 different environmental chemicals daily in our homes. So, there was a study done on this called the Wallace study, it was a US government EPA study, so EPA is the Environmental Protection Agency, and they analyzed the exhaled breath of urban residents in New Jersey. And the analysis found that there were an enormous amount of chemicals that were known to cause free radicals in the body. So, free radicals are never good in the body, think of them as causing damage. So, when they cause DNA damage, damage to your DNA, it creates disease.

And then there are some other things to consider at home, the example I gave here was just wearing a new, dry cleaning suit, a freshly dry cleaned suit can give you measurable levels of trichloroethylene in your bloodstream. And there’s another toxic metabolite called bromopropane, that’s in one of the tests I run, commonly that I see elevated quite frequently. That’s the Great Plains environmental toxins test that I was just speaking about.

So, indoor toxin exposure. It only takes 26 seconds for the chemicals in our typical household products to enter our bloodstream. 26 seconds, that’s pretty fast. So, you touch it, you inhale it, however it makes onto your body or in your body, 26 seconds, and then it’s into your bloodstream. So, according to the EPA studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times, and occasionally more than 100 times higher than outdoor pollutant levels. So, really important statistic here. And so, before I kind of go onto this next slide, I want to take a second to talk about what might you do to help filter the air in your house because that’s something I do. And if you’re a patient here in the office and you’ve been here lately, you know that in the room with us there is a nice Austin Air HealthMate Junior Plus filter sitting there with us, filtering our air the entire time we’re in the visit. And actually right now on my desk next to me, I’ve got an IQAir personal filter running.

Air Quality Control

So, you can do some things to actually help filter your air in your environment. Austin Air and IQAir are my favorite two brands for air filters. I mean, there are many other great brands out there, but I do recommend if you were going to only choose one filter, I would choose to buy a filter to filter out the air in your bedroom, and that’s because if you think about it, you’re there for eight, maybe a little bit more hours a day. It’s probably the area of your house where you’re spending the most amount of time. If you’re going to get two air filters, I would do one for the bedroom and then I would also do one for your common area or whatever area you’re spending the most time in.

And how big of an air filter you’ll need will just depend on the size square footage that you’re looking to filter. And when you go to buy either IQAir or Austin Air, they both have really great kind of guides to help you determine, this one’s going to cover seven to 800 square feet, and this one’s going to cover up to 1,500 square feet, for example. So, you can do something to filter out the air pollution let’s say in your home environment.

But where else might you be exposed? Well, you could be getting some off-gassing of dioxins and PCB’s from things like carbonless copy paper, from plastics, inks, paints, furnishings and construction glues. Xylene can off-gas from plastics, carpeting, furnishings, construction materials, industrial traffic exhaust and more. Styrene can off-gas from our computers even, and many everyday plastics that unfortunately hold some of our food items, like juices, water, sodas, plastic bottles that hold things like ketchup and mustard and condiments, peanut butter, milk and of course, even baby formula. So, this is just to give you an idea where else you might be exposed.

And kind of, I talked about this a little bit earlier, but we all have chemicals in storage, and we all do. There’s not a person in existence that doesn’t have some chemicals. And the EPA kind of proved this, they did a biopsy study and they looked at human fat cells and 100% of those studied had measurable levels of dioxins, PCB’s, dichlorobenzene and xylene. So, dioxins and PCB’s are among the most potent causes of cancers to man, so they are carcinogens. So, obviously we want to do everything we can to decrease our exposure when we can.

There’s a Columbia University School of Public Health report, found that 95% of cancers are really caused by the diet and the environment. And the EPA has hundreds of studies of Americans showing 100% of human fat samples contain styrene, which is also a known carcinogen. So, right now we’ve got two different studies showing that if you biopsy human fat, we’ve got dioxin, PCB’s, dichlorobenzene, xylenes and styrenes. And so you’ve handful of chemicals there. And I’m sure if the study ran 100 chemicals, you might find that most, if not all of them are there to some degree as well.

The Effects of Chemical Exposure

So, what happens with exposure to all these chemicals over time? So, this is a kind of a highlight of a study showing the herbicide, atrazine, it causes mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance. So, the mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cells, the energy producers. And so obviously if your mitochondria aren’t working well, you can have some symptoms like fatigue and your immune system is not going to work well, a lot of things are going to kind of waterfall effect from there. And insulin resistance of course is referring to type two diabetes and you can also get obesity and weight gain from having high insulin as well.

So in this study, they showed there’s an apparent overlap between areas in the USA where atrazine is heavily used and obesity-prevalence maps. And so basically showing people had a BMI, body mass index of over 30, which is classified as obese. So, chronic administration of atrazine decreased basal metabolic rate, so that’s your cellular calorie burn rate basically. So, it decreased your body’s own ability to burn calories, increased body weight and it increased intra-abdominal fat, that’s that visceral fat, that’s the really dangerous inflammatory fat. And created insulin resistance without changing food intake or physical activity level. Let that sink in a sec. So, in this study, this population did not change anything about their physical activity or their food intake, yet they had an increase in body weight and abdominal fat and insulin resistance. So, that’s really a significant side effect from a toxin exposure.

So, what are some lifestyle toxins you can control? So, we talked earlier about air and what we can do to help filter our air a little bit better, but then there’s also a lot of products that we’re using on a daily basis like our cosmetics, haircare, skincare, personal care products, household cleaning products, prescription drugs and over the counter drugs, and of course our food, our water, and we’ve already talked about air. So, I’m going to get into some details in these. So, skincare. Obviously, a lot of us have heard, the skin is your body’s largest organ, which is true. And scarily, the average woman is exposed to about 126 unique chemical ingredients daily through skincare products. So, that’s anything from head to toe.

So, if you think about from the time you step into the shower, you’ve got soap, you’ve got shampoo, you’ve got conditioner, you might have body wash or body scrub, you’ve got face scrub, and then you’re drying off with a towel that’s been exposed to laundry detergent, and a dryer sheet. And then you might put your face lotion on or a serum, and so on and so forth. We can go on and on with what you might do in your makeup, everything that you are exposed to just through skincare.

So, according to several studies, parabens, which are synthetic preservatives found in most skincare products and they exert serious adverse effects on health, including hormone disruption, organ system toxicity, reproductive toxicity, infertility and birth or developmental defects. So, parabens are a big no, no. So, if you’re going to start looking at your own personal care products, household products, you’ll see parabens, phthalates, are kind of two of the really big ones to make sure that you’re not exposed to. The thing about a lot of toxins, as we kind of learned about in that little atrazine study previously, is that they are endocrine disruptors. So, they’ll disrupt your hormones. Insulin is a hormone by the way, so that’s how it can lead to blood sugar imbalance and obesity as we just talked about, but other hormones too like your thyroid, your adrenal, your sex hormones. So, a lot of them are endocrine disruptors.

So, your household cleaning products, there’s a lot of them that you think might not be very toxic, but actually really are. For example, your chlorine bleach, anything that has petroleum in it, especially things in metal polishes, ammonia, things found in disinfectants like phenols and cresols, nitrobenzenes, which are found in furniture and floor polishes. Formaldehyde, which is used as a preservative in many household products. Naphthalene, paradichlorobenzene, which is found in mothballs. Hopefully no one has mothballs laying around in their house, but you never know, that’s an oldie, but a goodie.

And then hydrochloric acid and sodium acid sulfate, which can be found in toilet bowl cleaner. So, there’s a list of things that you think… For example, ammonia, think of your window cleaner for that, not the best thing, there are other a lot less toxic products to use for that. Same with chlorine bleach. Bleach, like I said, hypochlorite, and I see this a lot as a metabolite on testing on that Great Plains environmental toxins tests, I see a lot of these come through.

Toxin Exposure

So, you can also get toxin exposure through water. So, water toxins are the leading pollutants in our nation’s water, bacteria, mercury, nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen, low levels of dissolved oxygen, which are often caused by decomposition of organic material. So, our water supply is a big deal and you can actually get this tested. Actually the company, Doctor’s Data has a good water quality test, and there are other water testing companies out there as well. But you want to test the water that you’re exposed to on a daily basis. Water can also have metals and solvents from industrial work and can obviously pollute the waters that are nearby like rivers and lakes. Pesticides are used in farming obviously to control weeds and insects and fungi, but they can get into the water supply as run-off, and then of course, then we’re in turn drinking that.

So, you can also get exposed through food and soil. A couple of different areas here. One is you can get exposed to toxins through artificial additives, so these are things like colorings and preservatives. And you can also get exposed through eating conventional meat products that contain hormones and antibiotics. You can also get exposed through the refining of foods and sugars, because if you think about it, if you refine a food, there’s a chemical process there to get the end product, therefore you can be getting exposed to chemicals that way. And of course, if you’re not eating organic, you can get exposed to pesticides, herbicides and insecticides.

So, what do you do? Especially with food, guys, it’s really important to eat organic whenever possible. So, the Dirty Dozen list is maintained by the EWG, which is the Environmental Working Group, and every year they test the produce to find out what are the cleanest fruits and vegetables and what are the dirtiest. And so they have the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen. So, this is a list of the Dirty Dozen, which means these are the top 12 items you want to make sure are organic whenever possible. Now, the Clean Fifteen is kind of the opposite, it’s the list that if you couldn’t get organic, it’s okay because they’re the least affected by pesticides.

Detox Pathways

What are some signs that your detoxification capacity might be impaired? This is a big list you guys. Look, digestion and elimination are key. So, it could be anything, it could be constipation, bloating, diarrhea, nausea or heartburn. Obviously, you guys, if you’re my patients, you know that digestion issues or GI symptoms can be caused by many, many things, not just environmental toxins. Obviously, there’s significant imbalances that can happen in the gut like overgrowths of bacteria and yeast and parasites and whatnot. So, other signs that your detoxification system might be impaired, you can have elevated cholesterol without reason, you can have big changes in weight, overweight as we talked about, but in someone who’s severely toxic, they might actually be underweight.

You can have development of allergies, skin disorders, fatigue, anger, depression, irritability, because a lot of the toxins or neurotoxins as well, can affect your brain. Dark circles under the eyes, that kind of goes with allergies. Blood sugar and hormonal imbalances, because what did I say previously about toxins being endocrine disruptors? So, it can disrupt things like insulin and blood sugar and your adrenal thyroid and sex hormones, which of course, if you’re a female and sex hormones are disturbed, it can lead to increased PMS symptoms or PMDD. Toxins can also affect your lungs, so things like asthma can be triggered by toxins. And of course, getting frequent illnesses like someone who always has colds and flus and sinus infections and whatnot, there are multiple reasons for that to happen, but we should also consider the effect of toxic burden.

A lot of the toxins too, they do affect your immune system as well. So, you’ll see immunotoxicity, you can see endocrine toxicity and you can see a lot of these things kind of show through even on laboratory values, you might have someone that has kind of a chronically low white blood cell count, which might be from autoimmune disease or a chronic infection also, but it could certainly also be from a toxin. I’ve seen that in my practice.

So, some other symptoms that can be signs that you might need to go through a detoxification are muscle aches and joint pains, and even things like fibromyalgia, also difficulty with sleep. Now, does everyone with insomnia, does that mean that they’ve got a toxic burden and that’s the reason for their insomnia? Absolutely not. That would not be realistic to say. There’s so many causes of insomnia, including increased stress and anxiety and not setting yourself up for success for a good night’s sleep with a poor sleep hygiene regimen before bed. There’s certain nutrient deficiencies and whatnot, but the total toxic burden can take its toll and affect sleep as well as mood as I discussed previously too.

And then of course, that person who is just chemically sensitive to everything, meaning they can’t touch this, they can’t eat that, they can’t be exposed to too many things or they have a significant reaction, that is definitely a sign that your detox capacity is likely impaired. And you’re not able to get rid of everything you need to.

Why Detox?

So, why do a detox? We ingest over 30 to 50 tons of food in a lifetime. Isn’t that crazy? That’s a crazy statistic. So, because of that, we’re exposed to hundreds of chemicals and toxins daily, even just through our food. And of course we already discussed, you can be exposed through the air, you can be exposed to your skin, there’s other ways to be exposed as well, but even just through food, that’s a large amount of chemicals that we’re exposed to. Many people have GI symptoms, also have increased levels of incoming toxins. Because you got to think about it, your GI tract is really your kind of main detox organ and pathway, by the way, the liver is included in the GI track.

So, GI issues might not allow you to properly absorb nutrients, which are used in phase one and phase two liver detoxification pathways. I’m going to show you that in just a second. So, patients can develop symptoms different from the underlying cause or true cause because toxins get built up in various tissues and they’re not eliminated properly. So, kind of like I was saying earlier, is all insomnia caused by toxins? No, that’s ridiculous. But is that one of their reasons why they’re having insomnia? Is that one of the reasons why the person’s having difficulty losing weight? Is that one of the reasons they’re having trouble with fertility? Is that one of the reasons they’ve got higher blood sugars and should be expected for what they’re eating and how they’re moving? Yes. So, these are all things to consider.

So, detoxification is typically better than a diet. So, if you think about why do we have fat? Fat is created to protect our body from toxins and impurities, which creates the unwanted weight. So, just think about that for one second. So, if you’re exposed to a lot of toxins, our body’s smart. They’re toxins, so it’s going to put it away from our vital organs. So it’s like, “Hey, I need to protect my heart and my lungs, my kidneys, my liver, because you know what? I cannot survive without those.” So, where can it put it that it won’t hurt us, that’s in our fat. So, that is one reason for weight gain. But when you do a diet and you’re typically cutting calories and exercising in excess, and you can obviously, it works, you can lose that, but what happens is if you’re not set up to detoxify what is going to be liberated, what’s going to come out when you start losing fat, basically you’re going to end up rebounding. And that’s because you’re going to have kind of a toxic overload, which is going to then create a fat storage triggering event to occur.

So, you really want to make sure that you’re actually detoxifying the bad stuff that you want to get out of your body and not just kind of liberating and into the bloodstream, and then letting it kind of sink back into its storage places in the fat. You want to make sure it gets out of the body. We’re going to talk about phase one, phase two and phase three detoxification shortly. So, true detoxification removes the toxins from the body and creates lean muscle, and releases the excess fat. And you’re able to maintain it because you’re doing a clean, balanced diet that helps the body kind of naturally stay in its lean state.

Let’s Keep That Liver Healthy!

So, the role of the liver. As I mentioned earlier, the liver is part of your GI tract. It’s the primary organ of detoxification in the body. So, everyone knows if you say liver, they think detox and liver detox. But the liver also filters our blood, it stores and makes glucose for energy, it breaks down hormones and it produces and secretes bile, which is an important part of digestion. So, the liver eliminates toxins through a two phase enzymatic process, phase one and phase two. So, when someone says phase one and phase two detox, they’re talking about different sets of enzymes that are used to turn one type of chemical into another type of chemical, basically.

So, phase one detoxification uses cytochrome P450, which is a series of enzymes and chemically changes fat-soluble toxins into a more toxic substance called an intermediary metabolite. The intermediary metabolite is often more toxic than the original toxin that was stored in the fat. Which is why you need the next phase, phase two to help get it out of the body. So, in that previous example, when we showed the overweight person who has toxic burden, dieting, losing weight and then kind of rebounding and gaining weight again, they probably created these intermediary metabolites, which are actually more dangerous and more toxic, like I said, than the original toxin, and actually I bet  that person probably felt really bad.

So, if you liberate these intermediate toxins and your phase two and phase three pathways aren’t set up to fully get them out of the body, you’re going to actually feel worse and you can feel worse. So, that’s kind of some of the dangers of doing some of these juice fasts, other techniques that don’t give you everything you need for phase one, phase two and phase three detoxification, you can end up in this intermediate zone and actually feel worse.

So, phase two liver detox is conjugation of specific molecules, again, onto the intermediary metabolite that make it non-toxic. So, the phase one takes it from its form and it makes it into this intermediary metabolite, which like I said, can be more toxic than the original compound. And then phase two does conjugation and actually turns it into a more non-toxic and now water-soluble, so it can be excreted by our body in urine or stool.

The Detox Phases

So, this is a picture I was telling you guys about. So, if we kind of look at the list of where all toxins can come from, and these are fat-soluble toxins, so metabolic end products, micro-organisms, so bacteria, yeast, parasites, things like that, contaminants and pollutants, insecticides, pesticides, food additives, certain medications, alcohol, for example, they’re all that fat-soluble toxins. And so phase one, as we talked about earlier, liver detoxification involves several different nutrients. So, see all these nutrients here, guys. So, other B vitamins like folate, fat-solubles like A and D, antioxidants like C, E. And then things that help with detoxification specifically in the liver like milk thistle, glutathione and even calcium. Glutathione is your body’s main antioxidant and detoxifier, it’s really important. Glutathione actually also helps with phase two detoxification as well.

So, phase two detox, the main nutrients are amino acids. So, those are the amino acids like glycine, taurine, glutamine cysteine, by the way, all of these help ironically make glutathione, or some of them do anyway, glycine and glutamine. And then we’ve got sulfur-based compounds that also help with detoxification as well. So, after your liver has done the hard work of converting the toxin from phase one to the intermediary metabolites, and then to phase two, next is phase three, and that’s really this waste over here.

So, how do you get things out of the body? Poop, pee, sweat, and breath. And if you’re my patient, you’ve heard me talk about that before. And so how are things eliminated? In the GI tract they’re eliminated via the gallbladder or bile, and then you can poop them out. And then through the kidneys are eliminated through urine. And what’s not here is you can also eliminate toxins very well through the skin in sweating. And if you’re my patient, you’ve heard me talk about use of infrared sauna while you’re doing a detoxification process, because it does help upregulate the phase three detox pathways quite effectively. So, it helps you eliminate the toxins really, really well.

So, what can we do to help with phase one, phase two and phase three detoxification? That’s the whole purpose of this Core Restore program by Ortho Molecular. And if you’ve ordered a kit already, you’ve got these exact items in front of you. And we’re going to talk about what each of the things are individually. If you haven’t ordered a kit yet and you want to order one, at the end I’ll show you how you can do that. And you can always call the office to order one as well. So, the Core Restore program, this is a seven day program that’s of course, designed to help you restore healthy detoxification and elimination pathways. It’s going to provide the body with the essential nutrients to support detoxification. So, it’s going to give you micronutrients, phytonutrients and a clean source of protein as well. And it’s going to help you hopefully potentially unmask other potential health issues if they’re there before they become a problem for you.

The Overall Goal

So, the program goals. We’re going to remove, so we want to eliminate the incoming burden of toxins. So, you’re going to do that by eliminating all the things we talked about already, like start working on your household products, your cleaning products, make sure you’re eating organic, you’ve got filtered air and a good quality source of water. Those are all things you can do to help kind of remove your excess exposure to the toxins. Then we want to restore, so we want to support the process of eliminating toxins. And this is going to be accomplished by making sure you’re getting good, pure filtered water, you’re eating detox-friendly foods and drinking the Core Support powder mix, which I’ll talk about in just a minute.

And then of course, we want to revitalize. We want to enhance our liver’s detoxification pathways and support GI function, because again, elimination is one of your main detox pathways. So, how are we doing that? Again, we’re drinking great water, we’re eating detox-friendly foods, the Core Support powder and the PhytoCore capsules, which I’ll talk about in just a moment, are really one of your main kind of detox supplements throughout the program.

The Core Support powder obviously comes in chocolate and vanilla. It’s got 15 grams of protein, five grams of fiber and it has a lot of other nutrients in it that support phase two detoxification pathways, things like VitaVeggie, green tea, rosemary. It also has things in it that increase cellular energy like NAC, alpha-lipoic acid. So, it’s more than just a protein source, it actually does help you eliminate toxins. And then we also have the Alpha Base, which is really a very good multivitamin and mineral that specifically contains nutrients that help with phase one and phase two liver detoxification pathways.

It also has higher doses of B vitamins, which are cofactors for both phase one and phase two detox. And it has antioxidants like vitamin C, E and zinc. Now, antioxidants are important. So, they’re important because it helps kind of scavenge or clean up free radicals and protect the cells while toxins are coming out. So, during this program, we’re going to be pulling toxins out, which toxins are toxins, so they can hurt you. And so you want to be giving some things that will actually protect your cells while your body is changing it, while your body’s going through the detoxification process. Like we talked about, it goes from phase one to these intermediary metabolites, which can be damaging if they’re not effectively eliminated by phase two and then phase three detoxification.

So, PhytoCore, as I mentioned a little bit earlier, has nutrients and herbs that enhance both phase one and phase two detox pathways. It also has lipotropics, “lipo” “fat”, so it actually helps you with fat burning and it has methylation factors. So, specifically things like methionine, choline and inositol. It also has choleretics, so things that actually help your bile flow more easily like dandelion, yellow dock, beat leaf. And of course, silymarin, which is also known as milk thistle is of course one of the main kind of Mama liver detox herbs.

You have your kit. Now what?

So, you guys with your kit, you’re going to also be getting this guide at the bottom, and in the guide it really clearly tells you what foods to eat and what foods to not eat. So, it gives you a list of things that increase detoxification. So, there’s a pretty good list of fruits and veggies, it is a gluten-free of course detox and a dairy-free detox as well. But it tells you which foods to focus on. And then it also tells you which foods to avoid, because these are foods that slow down detoxification. And a lot of the things are kind of obvious, like any other refined flours of course, dairy is a big one, some of the other grains or vegetables, corn is in both kind of categories there. And then things obviously that are highly processed and packaged, things like canned fruit and anything that has high fructose corn syrup in it, things like that are obviously not going to be health foods.

It does ask you to be mindful of your fats and only eat healthy fats during the detox as well. The detox officially asks you to eliminate coffee. That’s a stick point for a lot of people. So, if you’re watching this going, “All right, I’m turning it off. I can’t have my morning coffee,” stick with me because, two things, one, you could actually switch to doing something like a black or green tea, if you want your morning jolt. And then honestly, if having your morning cup of coffee is that you just can’t fathom going seven days without it, then I would say do it, but make sure that it doesn’t have any of the other things on this avoid list on it, like your dairy, like your actual and refined sugars and whatnot or artificial sweetener. So, if you’re going to do it, try to stick to it as best as you can.

So, the guide also literally goes through every single day what to do. So, it’ll tell you day one, here’s what you want to do, here’s what your morning and what your evening is going to look like. So, it’ll walk you through all of those days. And it even gives you sample meal plan, so it’ll tell you, if you don’t want to think about it, if you’re like, “I just want to follow this plan,” it’s going to not only tell you what to eat, it’ll give you the exact recipes on how to cook that product. And it tells you about what the serving size and what’s in there. So, this detox is a seven day detox, but it also exists in a 14 and a 28 day detox. So, if you are liking your results and you want to keep going, you can actually order a bigger detox kit or you can actually even order their items individually as well.

So, what are some benefits of this program? Well, obviously, the main reason you want to do it is of course to feel better, but also having more energy, maybe losing some stubborn weight, improving bowel movement regularity and decreasing inflammation, and of course, stored toxins and fat will be released, which is also excellent for your health as we’ve talked about. And of course it will just benefit your entire body.

So, after the detox, because for some people, this may be a short lived thing, but I’m really hoping to inspire a vast majority of you to kind of have healthier eating just generally and a reduced toxin exposure lifestyle. And so, what can you do afterwards to make sure that you’re getting kind of ongoing support? This one product is actually very good and it’s called the Alpha Base Premier Pack. So, what is it? It’s your Alpha Base which you would have been taking during the detox, but it also adds in a really high quality omega-3 fish oil and it adds in a potent antioxidant blend that has resveratrol, turmeric, broccoli seed extract and andrographis in it. So, if you want to keep it simple and just take one packet of something every day to support yourself, this would be it.

If you’re looking for a more kind of advanced version that would include toxin reduction, I actually created the Seven Weeks to Your Healthiest Self Masterclass a while back. And what it is, it’s five educational instructional videos by me. And I guide you through how to not only clean up your lifestyle, and there are very good details on that, but I also walk you through how to do a very good 30 day elimination with proper food reintroductions, which can also help you figure out if you’ve got food sensitivities, so if you’re getting symptoms from food, sometimes even healthy foods can create symptoms unfortunately. But the program includes an e-book, it’s got some recipes, it’s got resource guides, it’s got a food re-intro tracker, it’s got everything to set you up for success if you’re looking for a more prolonged and educational version of this program.

So of course, I’m here at Arizona Wellness Medicine, and you can find us on the web at There is our phone number and address. And if you want to order more detox kits or any of the supporting products I just talked about, you can actually find it on Fullscript, and you can see there at the bottom, so you go to, and that is my Fullscript account and I do have the Core Restore on all of the detox products in there for you.

I hope this webinar was a helpful introduction into detoxification and detox pathways. This is a very dense topic and we can certainly talk about it for hours and hours. I hope this introduction helped, and helped inspire you to start your detox. 



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In this session, we’ll dive into the fundamentals of the Paleo diet and lifestyle—what it is, why it works, and how it can help you